Group photo, March 2012

Group leader
Professor Penny Handford
University Lecturer and Fellow of St. Catherine's College
Postdoctoral Researchers
Dr Ian Robertson
Dr Sacha Jensen
Dr Pat Whiteman
Dr Bogusia Korona
D.Phil. Students
Biochemistry Part II students
Past members
Dr Chandramouli Chillakuri
Postgraduate Students and subsequent destinations
Oxford Centre for Molecular Sciences studentship (Co-supervisor with Professor G.G.
Brownlee) (Oct 1989-1992)
Mark Mayhew
Post-doctoral (USA)
SERC studentship (Co-supervisor with Professor G.G.Brownlee) (Oct1987-1992)
Paul Hughes
Post-doctoral (USA)
MRC Quota studentship (Oct 1993- 1996)
Miss Caroline Cardy
Graduate Medicine
BBSRC Special studentship (Oct 1996-2000 )
Miss Sarah Hutchinson
Post-doctoral (UK)
British Heart Foundation studentship (Oct 1998 -2001)
Miss Aileen McGettrick
Post-doctoral (USA)
ORS studentship (Oct 1999-2002)
Miss Ji Young Suk
Post-doctoral (USA)
BHF Junior Clinical Research Fellow (Jan 1997-Dec 2000) (With Dr P.Wordsworth)
Dr Dorothy Halliday
Clinical Medicine
University Research studentship (April 2001-) (With Dr Mardon)
Miss Jelena Jovanovic
Post-doctoral (UK)
MRC Studentship (Oct 2001-)
Miss Jemima Cordle
Post-doctoral (UK)
Clarendon Research studentship (Oct 2001-)
Mr Jason Davis
Post-doctoral (USA)
Fight for Sight Studentship (with Drs Redfield & Jensen) (Oct 2005-Mar 2009)
Ralf Schneider
Post-doctoral (Germany)
Departmental Studentship (Oct 2007-2011)
Sarah Iqbal
Post-doctoral (USA)
BBSRC Chemical Biology Programme (Oct 2008-2012)
Ian Robertson
Post-doctoral (USA)
BBSRC Chemical Biology Programme (Oct 2008-2012)
Paul Taylor
Patent Law Training (UK)
Wellcome Trust Structural Biology Programme (Oct 2008-2012)
David Yadin
Post-doctoral (Germany)
CRUK Studentship (Oct 2008-2012)
Phillip Weisshuhn
(Oct 2009-2013)
Shaoyan Liang
Post-doctoral (USA)
MRC-funded studentship(Oct 2011-2015)
Laurie Holt
Undergraduate Students
Izi Osuch (Part II student 2009-10)
Becky Heslop (Part II student 2009-10)
Joanne McNaught-Davis (Part II student 2010-11)
Sarah Jackson (Part II student 2010-11)
Paul Evans (Part II student 2011-12)
Georgia Aspinall (Part II student 2012-13)
Felicity Abbott (Part II student 2012-13)
Lucy Barber (Part II student 2013-14)
Jack Kennedy (Part II student 2013-14)
Emma Hodgson(Part II student 2014-15)
Hans Dias (Part II student 2015-16)
Charlotte Burton (Part II student 2015-16)
Kiran Sidhu (Part II student 2016-17)