Dr Mark Wormald - Tutorial teaching

Biochemistry :

1st year - Biophysical Chemistry  Thermodynamics / Kinetics / Electrochemistry / Quantum theory / Macromolecular structure
2nd and 3rd year - Biophysical Methods Hydrodynamics / Scattering  and microscopy / Absorption and emission spectroscopy
Protein Structure Structure and folding / Diffraction / Basic resonance / Advanced NMR
Enzymes Structure and function / Ligand binding / Kinetics / Regulation
Bioinorganic Chemistry General and main group / Transition metals
Glycobiology Biosynthesis and sequencing / Function

Chemistry :

1st and 2nd year - General Inorganic Chemistry 
3rd year - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Bioinorganic chemistry 
Inorganic applications of electronic spectroscopy 
Inorganic applications of NMR spectroscopy 